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創盈時代科技發布時間:18-04-1716:59為了保證PCB板的生產質量,廠家在生產的過程中必須經過嚴格的檢測,每個廠家的檢測方法也不盡一樣,檢測方法都會針對不同的PCB板的瑕疵。按照檢測大類來說主要可分為電氣檢測法和機器視覺檢測兩大類。In order to ensure the production quality of PCB board, the manufacturer must undergo strict inspection in the process of production. The testing methods of each manufacturer are not the same, and the detection methods will be aimed at the defects of different PCB boards. According to the detection class, it can be divided into two main categories: electrical detection and machine vision detection.電氣測試通常采用電橋測量各測試點間的阻抗特性的方法,來檢測所有通導性,即開路和短路。機器視覺檢測是測試通過視覺檢查電子元器件的特征以及印刷線路的特征找出缺陷。電氣測試在尋找短路或斷路瑕疵時比較準確,而機器視覺檢測可以更容易偵測到導體間不正確空隙的問題,并且機器視覺檢測一般在生產過程的早期階段進行,可以盡量找出缺陷并進行返修,以保證最高的產品合格率。Electrical tests usually use electric bridge to measure impedance characteristics between test points to detect all conductivity, namely open circuit and short circuit. Machine vision inspection is to detect defects through visual inspection of the characteristics of electronic components and the characteristics of printed circuit. Electrical testing is more accurate in finding short circuits or circuit breakers, and machine vision detection can detect the incorrect gap between conductors more easily, and machine vision inspection is usually carried out at the early stage of the production process, and the defects can be found and rebuilt to ensure the highest product qualification rate.機器視覺檢測設備PCB板常用的兩種檢測方法介紹:Two detection methods commonly used in PCB board are introduced.1、人工目測:使用放大鏡或校準的顯微鏡,利用操作人員視覺檢查來確定電路板合不合格,并確定什麼時候需進行校正操作,它是最傳統的檢測方法。它的主 要優點是低的預先成本和沒有測試夾具,而它的主要缺點是人的主觀誤差、長期成本較高、不連續的缺陷發覺、數據收集困難等。目前由于PCB的產量增 加,PCB上導線間距與元件體積的縮小,這個方法變得越來越不可行。1, manual visual testing: using a magnifying glass or calibrated microscope, using the visual inspection of the operator to determine the disqualification of the circuit board, and determine when the correction operation is required, it is the most traditional method of detection. Its main advantages are low pre cost and no test fixture, and its main shortcomings are human subjective error, high long-term cost, discontinuous defect detection, data collection difficulty and so on. At present, because of the increase of PCB output and the reduction of conductor spacing and component volume on PCB, this method is becoming more and more infeasible.2、自動光學檢測,也稱為自動機器視覺檢測,是基于光學原理,綜合采用圖像分析、計算機和自動控制等多種技術,對生產中遇到的缺陷進行檢測和處理,是較新 的確認制造缺陷的方法。AOI通常在回流前后、電氣測試之前使用,提高電氣處理或功能測試階段的合格率,此時糾正缺陷的成本遠遠低于最終測試之后進行的成本常達到十幾倍。2. Automatic optical detection, also known as automatic vision detection, is based on optical principle. It is a new method to detect and deal with defects in production by using various techniques such as image analysis, computer and automatic control. AOI is usually used before and after reflux and before electrical testing to improve the qualification rate of electrical or functional testing. At this time, the cost of correcting the defects is much lower than the cost of the final test.


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